手忙脚乱的操作模式、异域风情的游戏界面、魔性的音乐和语音……在多种因素加持下,《沙威玛传奇》(Shawarma Legend)以超乎寻常的热度成为了全球玩家争相追捧的新宠"Shawarma, oh Shawarma, oh Shawarma! Lifes better with you, no need for drama." This bewitching lyric is the Chinese theme song of the cGMGurrent hit game 。
Shawarma Legend.With frantic game play, exotic user interface, interesting music and vocals, Shawarma Legend
has become a global sensation, captivating players worldwide with extraordinary fervor.这款游戏于7月上架多个平台,直到9月底突然开始爆火。
而那些留在烤肉叉上的肉,则继续在火上旋转加热,保持着最佳的食用温度Shawarma is a Middle Eastern dish consisting of meat that is cut into tGMGhin slices, stacked in an inverted cone, and roasted on a slow-turning vertical spit. Traditionally made with lamb or mutton, it may also be made with chicken, turkey meat, beef, falafel or veal. The surface of the rotisserie meat is routinely shaved off once it cooks and is ready to be served.
例如,在有限的时间里,玩家需要完成切肉、补货、炸薯条、卷饼、打包、收钱等一连串操作,还要应付顾客的各种需求,手速一慢,就会手忙脚乱,不少网友吐槽,卷饼卷到手疼Fulfill customers orders with precision and help your restaurant to thrive. Upgrade every aspect of your restaurant,GMG from the freshest ingredients and most delicious shawarma recipes to the decor and advanced kitchen equipment.
因此,网友给他俩起了个CP名:连吃带拿二人组The most heGMGadache-inducing aspect is the disruptive NPC in the game: one is a beggar old man in tattered green clothes who always shows up when the shop is busiest, ordering a bunch of food and drink without paying; if you refuse, he throws stones. 。
Another is a thief with a sack on his back, who sneaks off wiGMGth coins from the counter when the player isnt looking, requiring consecutive hits on his head to make him return the money in embarrassment. Yet, this is also where the games amusement lies.
所以这里的“A”,是AI的“A”。《沙威玛传奇》的开发者Eyad Al Shafei在Steam游戏平台上主页上坦言写道,“使用了AI”。
In Shawarma Legend, we have used advanced generative artificial intelligence to create some of the visual content, including the vibrant main menu image. This technology allows us to craft unique and engagingGMG visuals that enhance your gaming experience. By leveraging AI, we can ensure high-quality, creative designs that bring the whimsical world of
Shawarma Legend to life.在《沙威玛传奇》中,我们利用先进的生成式人工智能技术创作了一些视觉内容,包括充满活力的主菜单图片这项技术使我们能够打造独特而引人入胜的视觉效果,提升您的游戏体验。
也有人表示,14种语言的本地化支持程度,许多游戏大厂都做不到,但《沙威玛传奇》靠AI做到了在当今全球化的游戏市场中,一款游戏能否在不同地域和文化背景中受到欢迎GMG,往往取决于其本地化推广的精细程度虽然AI并没能让《沙威玛传奇》在游戏性和画面方面取得飞跃,但是在“本土化”推广方面却让这款游戏成为了几乎“无国界”的存在 ,让不同语种的玩家都可以体验到这款异域美食的魅力。
In todays globalized gaming market, whether a game can be popular in different regions and cultural backgrounds often depends on the level of localization. While AI hasnt propelled
Shawarma Legend tGMGo new heights in terms of gameplay and graphics, it has made the game almost "borderless" in terms of localization, allowing players from different language backgrounds to experience its
研究人员表GMG示,这一突破性技术有望为价值2000亿美元的全球游戏产业带来颠覆性变革Google presented GameNGen this year, the first game engine powered entirely by a neural model that enables real-time interaction with a complex environment over long trajectories at high quality. GameNGen can interactively simulate the classic game 。
DOOM at over 20GMG frames per second on a single TPU.近年来,AI正在游戏领域“小步快跑”腾讯公司副总裁张巍曾公开表示,AI目前已经成为游戏领域研发的标配,“从最近的产业调研看,约八成受访者认为AI技术促进了整体项目的提质增效,让生产效率提升超过20%。
”相信随着技术的不断成熟和完善,未来AI生成游戏将释放出更大的潜力。编辑:弓玥琪实习生:杨雅琳来源:澎湃新闻 大模型之家 机器之心 果壳网 北京日报客户端等