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2024-10-28 03:55 浏览:

Dear customers, partners and color enthusiasts,尊敬的客户、合作伙伴和色彩爱好者们:Today is a very special day, which we want to celebrate with you all!  it was on this day 10 years ago that we set up GMG China Ltd, and fully committed to better serve the China printing market.

今天是一个非常特别的日子,我们想和大家一起庆祝!就在10年前的今天,我们成立了GGMGMG中国公司 [及迈及(上海) 贸易有限公司] ,从此GMG公司开始专注更好地服务中国印刷市场The first activities in China started a bit over 20 years ago, and were quickly followed with the set-up of a Representative Office in 2003.  But the real commitment to the China printing market was done on April 11, 2012 with the establishment of GMG CGMGhina Ltd, a wholly owned legal subsidiary of GMG GmbH & Co. KG in Tuebingen, Germany.。

其实早在20多年前,德国GMG公司在中国就开始了业务活动,并很快在  2003年成立了GMG公司上海代表处而GMG真正以独立公司组织形式进入中国印刷市场是在2012年4月11日,GMG中国成为德国GMG GmbH & Co. KG。

的独资子公司,即“及迈及 (上海) 贸易有限公司”。

早期德国GMG公司上海代表处Over those years steady progress has been made, and we areGMG proud to say that our company and brand has flourished, all thanks to you, our wonderful customers, and your continued support.

这些年来,GMG中国取得了持续稳定的进步我们很自豪地说,我们的公司和品牌能够蓬勃的发展,都离不开像你们这样出色的用户、伙伴以及你们一如既往的支持Our team was very much looking forward to celebrating this milestone with you all, our customers andGMG partners, but the unfortunate events and current COVID situation makes that we will have to plan for another date.  Once we have a more predictable situation, we will communicate our plans to you.。


现GMG 大中华区总部(上海)ThougGMGh limited by the current pandemic, we will be running marketing actions and promotions this year, to celebrate our anniversary with you.  GMG continues the commitment to the China market, as even in these difficult times we keep investing: we have hired two new staff members that will join us from AGMGpril 19

th. This will allow us to provide even better services to you and help us in our common goal to modernize and support the China print market.



Finally, we want to take a moment to recognize some of our colleagues who have been with us for many years already and that have a special place in our hearts:



Sunnie Shao: started in February 2012.  Without her diligence and commitmeGMGnt, we would not be where we are now. She has been instrumental in the

success of GMG China.邵爽:2012年2月入职,没有她的勤奋和贡献,我们就不会有现在的成就。她在GMG中国的成功中发挥了重要作用。

Tony Yu: has been with us for 9 years already! Loved by our customers for his exemplary knowledge, support and dedication. We are very happy to have Tony wGMGith us and GMG China would not be where we are now without him.


Calvin Tan: already with us since 2011 and our technical and sales expert in South China. A dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable member of staff,

warm hearGMGted and always ready to help our customers. Calvin has been an essential part of our GMG China operations and responsible for many of our

successes in South China.Calvin Tan 陈业:  GMG中国在华南地区的技术和销售专家,他自2011年以来一直与我们在一起Calvin是一位敬业、经验丰富、知识渊博的员工,他充满热心随时准备帮助我们的客户。

Calvin一直是我们GMG中国的重要组成部分,他的贡献,让我们在华南地区的取得了许多成GMG功Please join me in congratulating our veteran staff, as well as our other GMG employees and our new staff joining us on the April 19。

th.请和我一起祝贺我们的服务十年的资深员工,以及我们的其他的将于4月19日加入我们的GMG新员工 Lets looking forward to next ten-year.让我们一起期待下一个十年!。

Warm regardsBart FretManaging Director GMG China Ltd.


